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social media marketing services

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Taring (2010)

Farah (Fahrani), a model, lingerie model accept jobs from a well known company, HEAVEN'S SECRET, with the theme of Fantasy WILD. Farah along with two other models - Wiwid (Shinta Bachir) and Gabriella (Rebecca Reidjman) - going to a remote area with a landscape that was wild and wonderful for taking photographs. With them, there's Damian (Dallas), photographer, ALEX - Heaven's Secret representative of the arrogant, and Ingrid - assistant Damian When traveling by car inland regions, they're going through the township and make offerings ceremony Evils forest guards. Driver who is also a guide, refused to take them into the woods. Finally she decided to drive his own car, but he turned out to grind offerings-offerings to the chaotic mess of population.

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*Pass : idws

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